2 Minute Scenario of Abduction

At the beginning of the scene a women is seen walking out of the college gates, it then cuts to her walking down a quite dimly lit street. A tall hooded black man is seen walking briskly behind her. She notices someone behind her as she turns to see a dark tall figure moving faster towards her direction. She starts to run in panic down the street as the man picks up pace and chases her down a dark alley. She hides behind a wall and breathes heavily. The hooded man appears in front of her and reaches into his jacket; she looks in horror as he pulls out a textbook and lifts down his hood. He smiles and tells her she dropped her book and as he leaves back down the alley she laughs and breathes a sigh of relief. Then a woman appears walking down the path she stops and asks Sophie for a lighter. She responds by reaching into her bag and giving her a lighter. As she hands the lighter over to the mysterious looking women she punches Sophie in the face as she lands flat on the floor. A car then suddenly stops at the entrance of the alley and a man jumps out and drags the now screaming Sophie into the backseat. The driver gives some money to the women who is now lighting a cigarette and the car speeds off into the distance.