Character Profiles

Name: Sophie McDonald
Age: 17
Appearance: Dark hair
Height: 5ft 4
Costume: hand bag to carry bag, leggings ugg boots.
Sophie is a vulnerable teenage girl who is cautious about herself but sometimes can be careless which gets her into a lot of trouble as we will see as the film goes on.

The character of Sophie is now being played by Georgie Watters who was a replacement for Keira Stone. Georgie fits the description of our character as she looks like a student and also vulnerable. She is also reliable and could make the filming times. I have chosen Georgie to play the character of Sophie because we wanted Sophie to have a student looks and have a typical teenage so her character is easily recognisable to the audience. We believe that Georgie has all these attributes as she is studying and has the right look that we are looking for in the character of Sophie.

Name: Betty Blackstock
Age: 22
Appearance: Dark hair
Height: 5ft 6
Costume: white t-shirt, cardigan, leggings.
Sophie is an intimidating women in her 20's who has no concious and kidnaps women for the prostitution industry. She works for a mafia boss and cares only about her wellbeing and fears nobody.

We chose Haley Male to play the role of betty because we wanted betties character to change from nice when she asks Sophie for the time to villain when she brutally nocks her unconscious and drags her away. It was vital that her appearance can be intimidating and she can act the role of a protagonist very convincingly and i feel she can play the role well.