Posted by
Emmanuel Olobio
Saturday, 3 April 2010
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups and how does it attract your audience?

Above shows the social group represented in 'Adulthood' and how this was replicated in the charcter of jerome in our media product.
Our media product 'Abduction' represents particular social groups such as ethnicity and gender. This is represented in the character creation and cast selection. As the scene starts you see a teenage white female leaving the college. This helps to connote to the audience her vulnerability as she is still in adolescence and as a girl as a stereotypical view of girls is that they are more susceptible to danger than the
more dominant males.
As the scene carries on, and Jerome is introduced into the plot, the audience would immediately associate him with violence as his representation is created through the choice of clothing skin colour and social class. We decided to choose peter for the role of Jerome as he is of black ethnicity, Tall (which creates dominance) and can also be threatening which fits into the stereotype of a criminal. We got this idea from youths in '1 Day' and 'Adulthood' they have the same stereotypical qualities. They are both black, wear baggy cloths and also use threatening behaviour.
Jerome represents the social group of a gangster. ‘1 Day’ also fits this social group that are stereotypically perceived as the majority of black people who steal, deal drugs, use weapons and are a menace to society. But in our thriller we have created a different outcome to what the stereotype of Jerome would lead you to believe as instead of mugging or hurting Sophie he gives her the textbook she drops and by doing this we are creating a different perception of the social group that is the 'thugs'.
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