How did you attract/adress your audience ?
In order to attract or address our audience we needed to establish what attracted the them to the thriller genre. We included some of the questions in our questionnaire that would help us in determining what codes and conventions the audience like best in a thriller. As the feedback we received was positive it allowed us to use stereotypes to create a twist as the feedback showed us that the majority of people thought that a twist and violence is a better element to a thriller. In order to attract our audience we needed to create an enigma as suspense is vital in keeping the viewer intrigued. By changing the antagonist from the obvious stereotypical perception of Jerome to the white female of Betty it helps to create an enigma. We also added some action and violence in the form of a punch to help dramatise the abduction of Sophie.
In our thriller we created a character that the audience can identify with. Sophie is your typical college teenage girl as there’s nothing unusual about her. In many thrillers the typical girl is commonly used as the victim because the audience can relate and sympathise with her.
We attracted the audience by using the scenario of a schoolgirl walking home from school and being abducted. This is based on real life cases that happens to young girls across the globe. An example is Milly Dowler a famous case were a young teenaged girl was abducted on her way back from school and later murdered.
BBC News Milly Dowler
Also our media product touches on the issue of forced prostitution, human trafficking is a problem around the world and we touch on this in our thriller it raises the seriousness and brutality of sex trafficking. This shows how we have linked reality to our media product in order to attract and address our audience.We also addressed our audience through advertisement and promotion. To do this I created a group page for our production company on the popular social networking site facebook. So that our audience can connect with our media product over the internet. This inadvertently creates viral marketing which will attract a wider audience and also free advertising. Above is a print screen of the Ikonic facebook fan page through this our audience can receive updates on the film release dates and general information. Users can join the group and also invite their friends.
Also our film is uploaded on to you tube a user generated site where our opening sequence can be accsessed by anyone. Also at the bottom they can leave feedback which will aid the evaluation of our product.
We created a poster for our media product it clearly displays the name of the film, the production logo and the certification age. This is a marketing ploy in order to attract and address our audience this is a widely used advertisement form for films.
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