Who would be the audience for your media product?
- We decided through research and also the feedback from are questionnaire that our primary target audience would be both men and women between the ages 16-25. Therefore we would expect Abduction to have a bbfc 15 rating in the UK as there is action and violence that would not be suitable for younger viewers. We feel this is the right target audience age as they are old enough to understand some of the issues raised in the film and they are also young enough to still enjoy the action and adventure.
- Example of target audience -
This is Daniel Summers. He is 17 years, 5months old, and lives in Brentwood in the suburbs of London.
He dresses fairly average with a polo shirt and jeans. He enjoys going out to party’s and socialising, and also enjoys watching films and playing videogames. He enjoys films like Mission impossible, Taken, James Bond, Blood Diamond and Déjà vu. He like trips to the cinema and also buying films on dvd.
He enjoys programmes like CSI, 24 and Lost. Dan primarily watches programmes on Sky 1, E4, Five and sky movies action. He plays videogames such as call of duty, grand theft auto and heavy rain.
I think Abduction would appeal to Dan as he likes action and violence also he is over the rating age of 15. He likes thrillers like James bond and taken that are similar to our media product. - As our media product is not soley limited to one target audince we have found a secoundary audince that could possibly watch Abduction.
The brainstorm above shows the audience for abduction can be broad. The film would hopefully target a global audience from all segments of life.

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